Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Entertainment for Horse Slaughter Enthuisiasts

Congreso Nacional Charro Puebla 2011
Not surprisingly, horse slaughter aficionados evidently like their leisure time entertainment to be just as repugnant and offensive as their day jobs (which by all accounts seems to be solely focused on killing and eating horses).

Sue Wallis, an obscure and ethically challenged representative from Wyoming, proudly shares that one of her favorite pastimes is watching the "sport" of horse tripping.  For those not  familiar, all one needs to do is "Google" the term to find out more than they probably ever wanted to know about this shockingly abusive activity that has been banned in numerous states including California, Florida, Illinois, Maine, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas as well as in film and TV production, and by the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA). In addition, there is pending legislation to outlaw it in other states as well.

Of course, never one to be shy about her flagrant defense and promotion of any and all types of animal cruelty, Ms Wallis' free time spent enjoying something like horse tripping elicits no more of a response than "duh."

Monday, April 15, 2013


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Horse people working for a better future for the horsemeat industry.

Monday, April 15, 2013
Friends and supporters:

Spring time is finally underway and as we enjoy the warmer temperatures and being outdoors with our delicious beloved horses, even the most mundane of horse chores have taken on a new and special meaning for me.

Like our nation, the horse industry stands at a crossroads where we must choose freedom or accept the tyranny of government working to regulate the horse industry into distinction precinction kitchensinkshun extinction. (thanks Mindy - those big words always confuse me!)

Our way of life with horses is under attack, and this attack not only poses a serious threat to our right to own horses, but also to our livelihood, and our American horse heritage. The next thing you know they're gonna try and tell us we can't drink beer while we're driving our car!

The United Horsemen have been working tirelessly to figure out ways to kill and eat these things protect horse owners' rights at the state and federal level by watching and pushing back against animal rights driven legislation. 

I hope you will take the time to read the following information that outlines important issues we need to face together in the weeks and months ahead.

We are in this fight together to save our lucrative cherished horsemeat industry and hope you will sign up for an annual membership to United Horsemen today!(SEND MONEY!!!)

Until next time,

David Duquette
President and Proud 8th Grade Gradooit Gradgiate Graduate
United Horsemen
Springtime Update: Important Issues Affecting the U.S. Horse Industry

  United Horsemen, an organization of experienced cattlemen, tree growers, and convicted animal abusers horsemen dedicated to propaganda education and a better future for the horsemeat industry horses and all people involved with horses, is compelled to defraud enlighten every horse owner about critical issues facing the U.S. horse industry. Many potential threats are overlooked or just plain shoved under the rug by the major horse industry organizations and associations. We believe ignoring the pressing issues of our day will only cause us to lose money more harm in the future. So, just like cleaning carcasses the stalls, there are a few problems that, while not necessarily pleasant, need to be dealt with immediately. We sincerely hope that you take the time to read through the following summary of issues facing us and our horses. The issues presented are in no particular order as to importance.(SEND MONEY!!!)
The President's Budget 

President Obama's 2014 budget proposes to defund USDA inspectors at horse processing facilities that produce meat for either domestic consumption or export. At United Horsemen, we are using working with these suckers our friends from the Tribal Nations to educate the White House about the dire consequences of a processing ban, and the negative impact it would have on our wallets horse welfare and the industry as a whole. Afterall, they were duped into letting us put that industrial Hog Farm on their reservation, and while they eventually sued to evict us for fraud, pollution, and misrepresentation we have every confidence they have forgotten all about that and should be easily tricked into the clusterfuck of horse slaughter.  While the animal rights lobby is out dancing in the streets we believe that our due diligence, and you helping by contacting your federal legislators, the defunding language will be removed from the Budget. But again, we need your help to take care of business. (SEND MONEY!!!)

EHV-1 (Equine Herpesvirus):
News of fresh EHV-1 outbreaks at racetracks, boarding facilities, veterinary clinics and horse shows comes with terrifying frequency. The latest round of cases during March and April affects horses in California, Florida, New Jersey, Montana and Utah.
EHV-1, one of the most damaging equine herpesvirus strains, is a highly contagious disease that can be fatal in its neurologic form. Not only is it a serious threat to domestic horses; it also has a potentially devastating economic impact on the U.S. equine industry. According to the USDA/APHIS (Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service), the upward trend in EHV-1 cases in recent years may classify it as an "emerging disease," that is, a disease whose incidence has increased in a defined time period and location.  

Despite the clear and present danger of EHV-1, USDA/APHIS has made a minimal effort to protect the industry and our horses from this looming threat. The disease's spread can be minimized with bio-security measures and horse owner education, but those measures have been left to state animal health officials, who have minimal resources at their disposal. The result: mixed messages and confusion throughout the industry, amplifying the risk of widespread EHV-1 infection. Join United Horsemen in urging Congress to direct USDA/APHIS, through the agriculture appropriations bill, to devote critical resources (both people and money) to the states' efforts to solve this problem. This disease has the potential to cause millions in economic harm and become a real humane care tragedy. We need USDA to focus its attention on its core mission and partner with the industry on solutions to this equine health threat.

Okay, even though there's lots of big medical words here, what we're trying to do is get them to start a tracking system like NAIS so we can pretend that we're complying with the EU requirements and those annoying Food Safety regulations. (Per Mindy, be sure to strike this from Final Draft, for sure!)

Changes to the "Horse Protection Act"

Decription of bill, read carefully. 

H.R.1518 - To amend the Horse Protection Act to designate additional unlawful acts under the Act, strengthen penalties for violations of the Act, improve Department of Agriculture enforcement of the Act, and for other purposes. Click here to see the bill

Animal-rights organizations back this kind of policy by selling it as a safeguard against the cruel practice of soring Tennessee Walking Horses for shows, sales and competitions. In reality, it is simply another opportunity for animal-rights group to raise funds and make it harder for us to sore, own and enjoy horses. This policy would hobble the entire horse industry and effectively shut down horse shows and public horse sales all across the country. Under the various proposals, the federal government and its partners would be allowed to inspect any horse at any show or any sale organized by any breed association or discipline. It would hold show management responsible for enforcement and allow the issuance of citations based on the humane care standards of animal-rights groups! This is a truly alarming trend which would rob horse owners of their rights to sore and enjoyment of their horses and clear the way for government thugs to shut down the entire soring competitive segment of our industry.

We understand that the American Horse Council has been negotiating this issue with Rep. Ed Whitfield from Kentucky whose wife is head of White House initiatives for the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS). This proposal was originally produced by HSUS, and now the American Horse Council is negotiating with HSUS. They have even convinced a few other horse industry and veterinary organizations to go along with the legislation. There is simply no negotiating with these people. This is a huge red flag to us. It's our right to be able to mistreat, abuse, inflict pain, or do whatever we want, because it's OUR PROPERTY!

Okay, so why are we up in arms about this? Because just one portion of the language says that if there is a Horse Protection Act violation at a horse show, or sale, not only can show management be held responsible and possibly fined or sued but also all the show SPONSORS. Wow you say? So do we. We also say "not on our watch"!

Think about this; if a horse stumbles or breaks its leg at the upcoming Kentucky Derby, ASPCA or HSUS could sue Churchill Downs, Twin Spires, Yum, Pepsi or even Rolex! How will that look for Republican Rep. Ed Whitfield from Kentucky? Yes, we're obviously distorting the truth here, but it's how we roll!  There are already enough laws on the books and no pressing need for this legislation. Enforce the laws we already have. We feel less government is beneficial to the entire horse industry even though we want those Federal tax payer subsidies to fund our horsemeat business! (SEND MONEY!!!)

HR 1094/S 541, the "Safeguard American Food Exports Act"

This is yet another ploy by the animal-rights camp to shut down the humane horse processing facilities on the verge of re-opening in the U.S. The various animal-rights groups are simply trying to leverage the recent headlines about horse meat in European products labeled as beef and pork to uphold their claim that horse meat is "toxic." The truth is, although horse meat was found in some products, extensive laboratory testing detected no human health hazards. This red meat scare is based purely on bunk science. We currently are working on a really important scientific study that will have phenylbutazone reclassified as an organic Food Supplement for people.  Our good friend and leader, Sue, has suggested we market it as an aphrodisiac. She is SO smart!! (Per Mindy, since this is a seekrit marketing project right now, be sure to strike before publication) We are going to prove that more credible research should be conducted before we shut the doors to a potential export product in a time when U.S. competitiveness in the global marketplace is at an all-time low. (SEND MONEY!!!)

When speaking out against measures like these on Capitol Hill, numbers count. 

New Members $25/Renewals ONLY $20
foalAre your dollars a little stretched?

We know the feeling.

But the horse industry can't survive without you! 

United Horsemen, a 501c3 non-profit organization, needs your help. 

Your membership dollars are crucial, and your participation is even more so. 
The bigger our member ranks become, the stronger our voice in the public policy arena. 

To show you just how much we want you to be a part of our efforts, we have made United Horsemen memberships more affordable than ever! 

New memberships are just $25. Past members, renew for only $20!

It's quick and easy to join via PayPal, or print a form and mail a check. 

As a 501c3 charitable and educational non-profit, your contribution may also qualify as tax deductible.

Join us!    SEND MONEY!!!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Oddly-named "United Horsemen" and obscure Calvary Group issue manifesto condemning USDA for enforcing food safety regulations.

The Cavalry Group Press Release (rough draft)

April 11, 2013

USDA Secretary, Tom Vilsack is a Willing Accomplice for Anti Agriculture Extremist Groups

Yesterday USDA Secretary, Tom Vilsack introduced USDA's 2014 Agriculture Appropriations request that, if passed, would serve as the final crushing blow to what remains of the potential U.S. horsemeat and puppymillers market. We are really pissed very concerned.

Tom Vilsack is proposing to defund inspectors for U.S. horse processing facilities currently poised to open in several states in order to bring the seedy horse slaughter industry relief to the over population of unwanted horses across the country. As indicated in the 2011 Government Accountability Office (GAO) a purposefullly misleading report that was commissioned by the meat industry, lack of domesticated horse processing has exacerbated the suffering of horses and has caused more abandonment and neglect for horses nation-wide. And if anyone cares about the welfare of abandoned and neglected horses, it’s the meat industry. Accordingly, three unethical politicians paid for by the meat industry surreptiously removed the original inspection defunding language Congress passed the 2012 Agriculture Appropriations to legalize horse processing in November 2011. USDA has ignored the law and requests for inspectors for many months despite our efforts to convince them they should spend US tax payer dollars to subsidize this inherently corrupt and vile foreign industry despite overwhelming public opposition.

In early March 2013, a memo was released from the USDA office indicating that USDA had plans to "advise Congress to reinstate the ban." Several weeks later, Vilsack made the statement declaring that the U.S. needs a "third option for unwanted horses."  We are certain he is a pinko-commie-animal-rights-terrorist who has infiltrated the US Agriculture Department in order to force everyone to become a vegan.

While defunding inspectors for horse processing, Vilsack is simultaneously asking Congress for funding to allow USDA/APHIS to implement and fund a new Retail Pet Rule that would likely regulate the U.S. pet industry out of existence. USDA stated, "The 2014 Budget proposes $29 million for Animal Welfare activities. The requested funding levels will help support these important regulatory efforts."  Clearly this assault on puppymills indicates that not only does Mr Vilsack hate puppies, but he is planning a secret midnight Special Forces raid involving black helicopters and ninjas in an effort to seize every American’s puppies, kittens, and even goldfish.

The motivation for this appalling anti-agriculture and anti-business budget move comes into question given the fact that the Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society Legislative Fund donated $750,000 in campaign contributions to the USDA Secretary's wife, Christie Vilsack's failed 2012 congressional run in Iowa.  Even though this is a mere drop in the bucket compared to the amount of money spent by the meat industry to pay off  lobby politicians in order to gain lucrative subsidies and special exemptions from environmental and animal cruelty laws, we need to keep repeating this so the public thinks that the Humane Society is really bad.  Did we mention we are really pissed very concerned?

Mindy “Puppymill” Patterson, president of The Cavalry Group stated, "At a time when our nation's economy is hurting and jobs are scarce, it is tragic that our U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, whose job is to promote and protect America's most vital industry, is clearly assisting in its demise by suggesting that animals should be treated humanely or afforded even a modicum of  kindness or compassion. Frankly, he’s got a lot of nerve."

Vilsack is set to appear before House Agriculture Appropriations Committee next Tuesday, April 16, 2013, and before the Senate Agriculture Appropriations Committee on May 9, 2013 to explain his actions and we will be demanding a personal apology from him for hurting our feelings.

The Fiscal Year 2014 Budget is available online at the Office of Budget and Management and budget overviews are organized by agency.  Currently, we may not have enough funds to pay off contribute to the re-election campaigns for our friends like Jack Kingston, Roy Blunt, and now-retired Herb Kohl (does anyone have Skye McNeil’s phone number?) who hopefully will be able to arrange another clandestine classified meeting where they can secretly use a bunch of White Out to erase those offensive “defunding” words.  We need your help!  Please send money: Cash is preferable but checks can be made out personally to Mindy “Puppymill” Patterson, “Slaughterhouse” Sue Wallis, and Duquette Quarterpoundershorses.

For more information or to schedule an interview please call:

Phone: 855-748-4210